
Traffic Data Collection and Studies

North Country Council
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Traffic Data Collection and Studies

Each year NHDOT specifies locations around the region according to a 3-year rotating cycle. This data is then added to a statewide database that tracks information such as traffic patterns, traffic volumes, and types of vehicles.

Traffic counts are performed by laying rubber tubing across the road, which is connected to a data collector in order to quantify and classify the vehicles traveling over it. 

The information collected is available for annual traffic monitoring and can be used to aid local, state, or private projects. To view, the data visit the Transportation Data Management System website to view this information. 

nhdot transportation data management system website

Transportation Data Management Website

how to use tdms website video link

Learn How to use TDMS Website

Local Traffic Count Collection

The North Country Council's traffic count data collection season is starting!

We are currently placing out traffic counter units at our regular NHDOT-directed locations, but are also able to place down counters at locally-directed locations. 

Does your community have any traffic data collection needs we can assist with?

Please let us know if there are any locations that you are interested in collecting data on, including what time of the season and how long they should be placed at those locations. North Country Council is happy to help you with your data collection needs as well as other transportation planning activities.

Bike & Pedestrian Counts

Bicycle and pedestrian counts are typically done manually, meaning someone counts each passerby and takes note of any relevant information (such as helmet usage and direction of travel).  Bicycle and pedestrian counting data is valuable for a variety of reasons.

It can be used to justify active travel infrastructure investments in towns, on trails, and in parks. 

It can be used to measure the impact of a new business, large-scale event, or active travel infrastructure investment such as new sidewalks and new bike paths or lanes.

It can help with management and preservation, as well as measure the popularity of trails and natural areas. 

Intersection and Turning Counts

Intersection and turning counts (also known as turning movement counts) quantify the amount of traffic entering and exiting an intersection during a given period of time. Typical data collected are number, type and directional travel of vehicles as they move through intersections and make turns. Turning count data is used by traffic professionals to improve traffic flow by adjusting signal timing, inform road upgrades and infrastructure design,  and increasing safety for all users of an intersection. 

Special Projects

Special projects are ones that come from a community or organization needing support. North Country Council will review any project proposals. If the project falls within the Council’s scope and regional objectives, the proposal will be developed in collaboration with the involved stakeholders. This process involves careful planning, resource allocation, and implementation strategies designed to address the unique needs and goals of the community or group requesting the project. Special projects selected by North Country Council often aim to enhance infrastructure, promote economic development, and improve quality of life within the region. 

Other Questions?

Give our staff a call or email us. We would love to hear about what you are working on and find ways to help.